JB Pritzker Calls on Republicans to Hold Donald Trump Accountable

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

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Chicago, IL – Today, JB Pritzker released the following statement calling on Republicans in Congress and the Illinois delegation to hold Donald Trump accountable:

“Since taking office just a few short months ago, Donald Trump’s administration has been plagued by staggering incompetence on his best days and a flagrant disregard for our values, ethics, and the rule of law on his worst,” said JB Pritzker. “Trump is not only an embarrassment who is putting our national security at risk, but it’s clear that he is a morally bankrupt leader who seems determined to subvert all checks on his power. Trump has now fired the Acting Attorney General, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of NY, and the FBI Director. This purge of officials most directly responsible for oversight of the executive branch makes it even more critical for Republicans in Congress to take decisive action and finally hold Donald Trump accountable.

“Republicans must end their silence and demand an independent non-partisan investigation into President Trump. The American people deserve information on Trump’s ties to Russia. We need an explanation as to why Trump shared classified information with the Russian Ambassador and foreign minister. And we certainly deserve clarity as to whether Trump interfered with an FBI investigation into Michael Flynn. The fact is, Donald Trump has continuously lied to the American people and Congress must act to get us the answers we deserve.”


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